Credit Card Cancellation Letter HDFC (SAMPLE)


Credit Card Cancellation Letter HDFC (SAMPLE).

Do you want to cancel your credit card but don't know how to contact your bank?

This article includes a sample credit card cancellation  letter format.

To end an account, credit card, or insurance policy, a consumer must write a cancellation letter. 

Format of sample credit card cancellation letter is provided here for your convenience. 

Describe the service you wish to cancel, the account number and credit card number you want to shut in the correspondence. 

Include the payment status of your account in your message.

Several banks provide a variety of credit cards to its customers.

Despite the fact that these cards are used for stress-free, safe shopping, users may find it impossible to repay, therefore they wish to cancel their credit card as soon as possible.

Credit card cancellation letter HDFC.

__________ [address]

The bank manager
Bank address
Name of the branch.

Date : October 29th 2022.

Subject, request for HDFC credit cards cancellation.

Dear Sir,

The number 900 786 5448 is on my credit card and I would want to cancel it. Please email me an acknowledgment of the cancellation. 

As of the current bill produced on September 9th, a check for Rs. 1,20,000  was dropped at the HDFC Bank, Kolkata Branch on September 16. 

I really hope that the involved parties will take the appropriate action. Here is a copy of my identification verification, which indicates that I have the power to request this.

Contact me at [email protected] if you need further information about this.

Yours sincerely,
Name : Sophie Das
Signature : _______________.

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Credit Card Cancellation Letter HDFC

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