[2 Samples] Business Mentor Request Letter


[2 Samples] Business Mentor Request Letter

Discovering a mentor might be one of the most fruitful career choices you'll ever make. This is true in every single field under the sun, from professional basketball to web development and firefighting.

The issue is that approaching someone and asking them to serve as your mentor isn't always simple.

That's because individuals who are most sought-after as mentors are often the most successful, and those who are most successful frequently have the busiest schedules.

The good news is that mentoring is generally a wise decision. Let's look at the first reasons you may wish to search for a mentor.

Why do you need a mentor?

Mentorship programs are now so common that 70% of Fortune 500 organizations provide them in some capacity. There are many valid explanations for it.

In contrast to unmentored workers, mentored employees in reality
  • Earn more money
  • Obtain further promotions
  • Feel happier and more devoted to their careers.
  • Feel more optimistic about their company and top leadership
  • Feel informed about the organization's future

Finding a mentor is a challenge since not everyone is eager to take on that role. Because successful individuals often lead busy lives, you are practically begging them to impart their knowledge to you in exchange for nothing of value. 

Of course, you may offer to compensate them for their time, but doing so might quickly become costly, particularly if you're paying consultant fees.

Although it is advantageous if you can provide them with something in return, if you approach mentoring in a transactional manner, your relationship will be on shaky ground.

What should you instead speak about? It truly depends on who you're speaking to, how you've interacted with them in the past, and whether you're speaking with them in person, through email, or on LinkedIn.

How to write a business mentor request letter?

The following examples of things to include in a letter asking for a mentor are:
  • a request for a 15- to 30-minute introductory meeting so the individual may discuss their objectives and interested mentors can ask any questions
  • a precise explanation of the advice the requester needs. Before sending the letter and going to the meeting, this needs to have been carefully considered. To avoid seeming confused and wasting the prospective mentor's time, the applicant should be able to swiftly and clearly state his or her objectives.
  • A clear indication that the person asking for help is prepared to put in the required effort and follow through to benefit from the assistance being given. The person should also demonstrate that they are willing to devote the necessary time, energy, and attention to fully utilise the mentor's advice.
  • a recognition of the importance of the mentor's time. Anyone who has the skills and background to serve as an excellent mentor is likely to be quite busy.

Important Information For The Requester

The applicant must express how much the possible mentor's consideration of the request is valued and appreciated. Time limits are a polite method to deny the invitation if the possible mentor wishes to do so for whatever reason.

A letter asking for a professional mentor is provided below. I should be written using proper capitalization and punctuation in business letter format. If the applicant knows the prospective mentor, the letter could be presented personally.

It is advised to send it by certified mail if not. The individual who requests a mentor should not give up if just one possible mentor is not accessible. He or she may be able to ask other individuals.

Here are a few free templates for various occasions when you could ask someone to be your mentor.

1. Sample mentorship request letter


Zip Code, 
City, State, and 
Your Address


Potential Mentor's Name
A potential mentor's address
Zip Code, City, and State

RE: Mentorship request letter

Dear Potential Mentor Name:

Your lectures on starting an online business venture at [Name of Institution] provided me with a wealth of information.

I think that at this time, receiving some mentorship would greatly increase my chances of success. I would love the opportunity to study e-commerce from scratch.

I want to talk about my business pursuits with you twice a month for around an hour. I've established the foundation, and the business is now up and running.

I would create a meeting agenda and a report on how I implemented any advice or criticism you provided.

I want to spend at least five hours per week making sure our conversations are followed up on. I am aware of how important your time is to you and how busy your schedule is.

If you are unable to fulfil my demand, I will completely understand. I'd want to talk to you about my request at a time that is convenient for you if that is possible.

At any moment, you may contact me by phone or email. I want to talk to you as soon as I can.



Read: [Sample] Voluntary Demotion Letter Examples

2. Mentor requested an email template

Subject: Request for Business Mentor, 


I learnt a lot about launching my e-commerce firm from your lectures on entrepreneurial endeavours that you presented at ABC Institution.

If I could get some mentorship now, I think it would considerably increase my chances of success. I'd want to get the chance to learn more about e-commerce firsthand.

I would want to meet with you twice a month for around an hour to go through my business endeavours. The foundation work is complete, and the company is now online.

I would prepare a meeting agenda and a note of the steps I took to implement any advice or ideas you provided.

I want to spend at least five hours each week continuing our conversations. I am aware of how important your time is and how hectic your schedule is.

I will entirely understand if you are unable to fulfil my goal. If it is feasible, I would want to talk to you about my request when it is most convenient for you.

I may be contacted at any time at 000-000-000 or [email protected]. We'll talk soon, and I'm looking forward to it.

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