Opt-Out Letter Sample (How to Write)


Opt-Out Letter Sample (How to Write)

Writing a letter to your school's administrator or testing coordinator is all that is required to opt your kid out of standardized testing. 

It may just say that they won't be taking the examinations you're choosing to opt them out of, or it may provide some details about why you're doing this.

Opt out letter sample for school

Respected Sir,

We are informing you that, as of the 2023–2024 academic year, our pupils will not be participating in any sessions. In this section, the six students who are opting out are identified by name and grade.

Kindly ensure that these kids have a positive learning environment throughout the testing time. Neither the test takers nor any other person should log into the computer used to administer the exam, nor should our kids sit in front of one. 

For any MCAS tests administered this academic year, we ask that they be listed as Not Tested.
  • the ELA NYS testing for grades 3–8 in 2016–2017
  • the Math NYS exam for grades 3–8 in 2016–2017
  • the 2017 New York State science exam for grades 4 and 8
  • any exam that is administered using the PARCC consortium's standards
  • any independent New York State field tests for grades 3–12 in the 2016–17 academic year
We advise the test administrator to record the refusals per the state's recommendation and retain them on file at ESCS if concerns about the school's participation rate are raised. 

Our choice to opt our kids out of MCAS testing is not a reflection on the school or the amazing instructors who put in a great deal of effort to provide our kids with an excellent education. We choose not to participate because of these excellent educators and administrators. 

We want them to be free of the requirements of an exam that doesn't fairly reflect our kids' knowledge or permit the kind of original inquiry that forms the cornerstone of a well-rounded education. It is unfair to the administration, instructors, and students.

We hope that our tiny demonstration will serve as a catalyst for a broader acknowledgment of the issues with high-stakes testing and a step toward resolving its fundamental issues.

It is entirely up to us whether or not to opt our kids out of MCAS this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them toward the parents who are signing this letter rather than our kids. 

We do not want our kids to be penalized for skipping the exam or coerced into doing so, following the state's directives.

Our gratitude for being a member of the East Somerville Community School community never goes away.


Opt out letter sample for students

Dear Principal,

I'm writing to let you know that my spouse and I have decided not to let our kid take any standardized exams or complete any assignments that are meant to be used as a means of evaluating the school or my child's instructors.

I am aware that all third- and fourth-graders must take the state math and English exams, but state and local officials have stated that parents have the freedom to "opt-out" of their children taking these tests. 

Students who choose not to take the tests will not face consequences, such as being held back, sent to summer school, or required to submit a promotion portfolio.

We feel that restoring educators' autonomy is essential to our children's education and have faith in the highly skilled and committed educators and administrators that we work with. 

As we carry out these measures, we look forward to collaborating with you to provide the kids who aren't taking the exams with instructional value during test-taking days.



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